Call us: 01903 413606



2, 3, 4 and 5 Day

Individually Guided Retreats



Contact Maria today:

01903 413606

About Sussex Heritage Centre

The Centre was set up by Maria and Dominic Whitehouse with their family. They are realising a long-held dream of promoting wider awareness and enjoyment of the spiritual, cultural and natural history of the South Downs and Sussex coastal area in a peaceful and welcoming environment. 

Maria has a background in geology, further education and legal practise as a solicitor. She has considerable experience arranging pilgrimage holidays. A recently retired Navy doctor, Dominic now works locally as a consultant physician. They have a deep love of Sussex - both its countryside and its Christian heritage and culture - and are keen to share it with their guests.

We are happy to be working with Naomi Hamilton, an experienced Catholic retreat guide and spiritual director, to deliver a Residential and Day retreat programme.

Website Credits:

With special thanks to Hugh Hayward for most of the website photographs and Canon Tim Madeley for the photographs of Arundel from the cathedral spire.